Unlock Your
Personal Brand
with MyBrand

01. Gathering Feedback

Send the survey link to the people you want feedback from, whether it be colleagues, friends, or family members.

02. Waiting for Responses

Wait for the recipients to complete and submit the survey, this step is crucial in order to get enough data to analyze.

03. Data Analysis

Review and analyze the data collected to identify patterns and areas of improvement, this step allows you to see the bigger picture of your personal brand.

04. Implementation

Apply the insights gained from the survey to improve your personal brand, career or self-improvement.

Why use MyBrand tool?

It is important to use the MyBrand tool because it helps individuals gain a better understanding of their personal brand. Personal branding is the process of creating and managing the perception of yourself in the minds of others, and it's crucial for professional and personal success. It allows you to differentiate yourself from others, showcase your strengths and value, and communicate that value to others.

By using the MyBrand tool, individuals can gain valuable insights into how they are perceived by others, which can help them understand their strengths and weaknesses. This understanding can be used to make improvements, such as fine-tuning their communication skills, highlighting their strengths, and addressing areas of improvement. The MyBrand tool also allows individuals to take control of their personal brand by providing them with the tools and knowledge they need to improve it.

Additionally, the MyBrand tool is helpful for those who want to be better at their job, change careers or just learn more about themselves. It provides an objective view of one's personal brand, which is essential for career growth and self-improvement. It helps identify the areas where one needs to focus on to be more effective in their current role or to make a career change. It also helps individuals to understand how others perceive them, which is crucial for networking, building relationships, and making a good first impression.

In summary, the MyBrand tool is an essential tool for anyone looking to improve their personal brand, advance their career, or better understand themselves. It provides valuable insights and a clear plan of action to help individuals take control of their personal brand and achieve their professional and personal goals.

01. Gathering Feedback

The first step in the process is "Gathering Feedback". It is important to gather feedback from the right people, whether it be colleagues, friends, or family members, in order to get a well-rounded understanding of your personal brand. It is not the quantity of feedback that matters, but the quality of it. It is recommended to have about 10-15 replies as this is enough data to analyze, but not too much to overwhelm.

It's also important to mention that feedback is anonymous, this allows people to be honest and candid in their responses. The survey consists of both open-ended and closed questions. These questions cover different specific aspects of you as a person and also include some fun questions that reveal how people perceive you. This will give you an overall understanding of yourself, your strengths and areas for improvement.

02. Waiting for Responses

This step can be a bit challenging as it requires a bit of patience. While waiting for the replies, it is important to not hesitate to reach out to the people you have sent the survey to, remind them that their feedback is important to you and ask them to take their time in providing thoughtful responses. The more detailed and accurate the feedback, the more valuable it will be.It is best to connect with them in person or at least call them, this shows that you value their input and are committed to using their feedback to improve.

Personal contact will also help to ensure that the feedback you receive is accurate and detailed. It is important to note that some people may take longer to respond, but it is important to be patient in order to get the best quality feedback. It's a good idea to set a deadline for feedback and follow up with those who haven't yet responded. Remember that quality feedback is more important than quantity, so it is better to have a few thoughtful responses than a large number of superficial ones.

03. Data Analysis

This step is crucial in understanding the feedback received and identifying patterns and areas of improvement. The data collected needs to be analyzed in order to gain insights and understand the bigger picture of your personal brand. It is important to review each response carefully, looking for common themes and patterns. This will help you identify areas where you excel and where you may need to improve.

It's also important to be honest with yourself when analyzing the data, it can be hard to hear criticism, but it's important to take it constructively and use it to make changes that will improve your personal brand. It's also a good idea to use the data analysis tools to make the process easier and more efficient.The data analysis step is where the feedback received is transformed into actionable insights that can be used to improve your personal brand, career development or self-improvement.

04. Implementation

This step is where the insights gained from the data analysis are put into action. After identifying areas of improvement through the data analysis, it is important to create a plan of action and set goals for how to improve your personal brand, career or self-improvement.It's important to be realistic when setting goals and making changes, it's better to achieve small incremental improvements than to try to change everything at once.

It's also important to keep track of your progress, setting up a system to measure the success of the changes you've made. The implementation step is where the feedback received and insights gained are turned into tangible results. This step will show the real value of the survey and the effort put into it. The implementation step is where the real change and improvement happens, it's the culmination of the entire process.



Mano lūkesčiai dirbant su Olga buvo viršyti su kaupu. Olga padėjo man ne tik sukurti asmeninio prekės ženklo komunikacijos strategią, konsultavo ir kūrė vizualus, bet nuoširdžiai patardavo kiekvienu rūpimu klausimu.
Taip atsirado mano Instagram ir Facebook verslo paskyros.

Vertinu Olgos profesionalumą, pagalbą, greitą reagavimą į kiekvieną paklausimą ir nuoširdumą - gera sutikti savo kelyje tokius žmones kaip Olgą.


Galymybių akademija - JOLANTA

Su Olga susipažinome "Galimybių akademijoje", kai ieškojome profesionalaus specialisto, galinčio paruošti mokymų programą online būdu apie savęs pozicionavimą ir savo brendo kūrimą.

Olga sugebėjo labai greitai perprasti mūsų poreikius, puikiai paruošė programą vizualine ir turinio prasme. Pamenu, kai pati perklausinėjau mokymų jos paruoštą turinį - negalėjau atsitraukti kol visko neperžiūrėjau. Gerai pamenu, kad vonios kambaryje besiruošdama miegoti, galvojau trumpam įsijungsiu Olgos video. Bet mokymų įtraukimas - manes nepaleido miegoti. Norėjosi iki pabaigos viską peržiūrėti.



Pažintis prasidėjusi nuo Online mokymų programos rengimo,  peraugo į glaudų bendradarbiavimą dirbant ties mano asmeniniu prekės ženklu. Šalia aromaterapijos verslo vystymo, aiškiai supratau, kad esu moterų verslumo įkvėpėja ir "gausos formulės" kūrėja. Tas aiškumas man suteikė daugiau fokuso ir energijos kurti papildomą vertę.

Olgą man lengva rekomenduoti, nes jos paslaugų kokybės lygis man niekada nesuteikia progos jaudintis ir dėl savo reputacijos rekomenduojant. Vertė yra visame tame, kad Olga padės sutaupyti laiko pradedant aktyviai skleisti savo brendo žinomumą online erdvėje. Tai tampa labai svarbu, net jei ir priešinamės sutechnologėjusiam pasauliui. Olga padės sumažinti klaidas padėdama palaikyti aukštą įvaizdžio lygį.

Olga - man yra tvarkos ir elegancijos jausmas.


Viktorija Starkauskienė, Laimės ekonomikos ambasadorė

Su Olga Kairiene susitikau, kai buvau pasimetusi savo veiklų įvairovėje. Nuolat kėliau klausimą, kas aš esu ir kaip mane mato kiti? Įkvepiantis tipas ir žingeidumas, įsitraukimas į daugybę veiklų – tikiu, tai buvo nemažas iššūkis, dirbant su mano asmeniniu prekės ženklu.

Dėkinga Olgai už galimybę pažiūrėti į save kitų akimis ir patikėti, kad esu verta vadintis Laimės ekonomikos ambasadore. Išgrynintas savęs pozicionavimas šiandien man leidžia drąsiai kalbėti apie Laimės ekonomiką Žmogui ir Verslui. Neįtikėtina, kad Olgos dėka su malonumu tai pradėjau daryti ir LinkedIn platformoje.
Jei dar nesi įgalinęs savo ekspertiškumo, o komunikacija socialiniuose tinkluose yra iššūkis Tau, turi puikią galimybę tai padaryti kartu su Olga Kairiene – nuoširdžiai, lengvai ir įtraukiančiai.

Spustelėdami „Sutinku“ sutinkate, kad jūsų įrenginyje būtų saugomi slapukai tam, kad užtikrintume Jums sklandesnį naršymą svetainėje bei galėtume analizuoti svetainės naudojimą. Norėdami sužinoti daugiau informacijos, peržiūrėkite mūsų PRIVATUMO POLITIKĄ.